What Are The Dedinitions Of Define Set, Sub Set, And Universal Set?
What are the dedinitions of define set, sub set, and universal set?
-A set is a group or collection of objects or numbers, considered as an entity unto itself. Sets are usually symbolized by uppercase, italicized, boldface letters such as A, B, S, or Z. Each object or number in a set is called a member or element of the set. Examples include the set of all computers in the world, the set of all apples on a tree, and the set of all irrational numbers between 0 and 1.
-A universal set is the collection of all objects in a particular context or theory. All other sets in that framework constitute subsets of the universal set, which is denoted as an uppercase italic letter U. The objects themselves are known as elements or members of U.
-Subset is a set of which all the elements are contained in another set.
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